Yutaka Oyama is a third generation Tsugaru shamisen player of the Oyama School, and started studying the shamisen at a very early age from his grandfather, the head master of Oyama shamisen school. He won at the National Folkloric Music Association’ s Tsugaru Shamisen Contest two years in a row in 2001 and 2002. He formed Tsugaru shamisen duo “OYAMAxNITTA” (2010). He performed as OyamaxNitta at Canegie Hall (JAPAN NYC) on 25th March 2011, and be acclaimed by NY Times. In 2013, Oyama was invited to Mexico to join Festival Internacional Cervantino, the largest art and music festival in Latin America, where he performed as a unit and marked great success. Oyama ventures out of the bounds of traditional shamisen music, collaborating with Japanese pop artists such as Arashi and Momoiro Clover Z, performing with 25 drones at Sky magic, joining the cast of Macbeth directed by Kyogen actor Mansai Nomura, and also performing in LA FOLLE JOURNÉE, and Fuji Rock Festival 2017. In addition to live performances, he is also active in recording sounds and music for video games and TV commercials, performing on TV, producing and teaching, and continues to be active in diverse genres of music. Oyama continues his journey to convey the beauty of Tsugaru shamisen and Japanese folk music through carrying on tradition, and through creating new and original interpretations of the Tsugaru shamisen.
Ghana / Morocco
France / Madagascar / Uganda / Qatar
Greece (Herod Atticus Odeum)
Ukraine / Lithuania
China [Soothe] (7 cities tour)
USA [OYAMAxNITTA] (Japan NYC, Carnegie Zankel Hall, Abrons Art Center in NY) USA [OYAMAxNITTA] (TX) USA [OYAMAxNITTA] (73rd National Folk Festival in Nashbille) Costa Rica / Trinidad and Tobago / Dominican Republic [OYAMAxNITTA+Special Members] (Central America Tour) England (St Patrick's Day)
USA [OYAMAxNITTA] (TN,MS,KY) Mexico (Feria de San Marcos) China (40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China) Mexico [OYAMAxNITTA+Special Members] (Cervantino International Festival)
USA [YO] El Salvador / Cuba / Panama [Oyama Yutaka Hogaku Trio]
USA / Canada [YO]
Mexico [YO] (Art mix japan in Mexico) Germany [OYAMAxNITTA]
China (7th OCT – LOFT JAZZ FESTIVAL) Mozambique Taiwan [52pro!] (Stage drama SAN NO ITO)
Vietnam [TAKiO Band] China (AMAN YANGYUN Opening Ceremony) China (World Music Festival in Shanghai)